Sunday, June 17, 2007

schmoss scmharrison

today i'm letting ross write my blog.

greetings fellow internet and blog fiends... today we shall continue to delve into conspiracy and secrecy that clouds the minds of honest citizens. In more detail, I am going to discuss the awesomness and overwhelming impressivness of shows on the discovery channel. For all of you who have seen MAN VS. WILD, you know what Im talking about. There is little or nothing that is more entertaining than an ex-British Commando with years of survival training showing people sitting on a couch in an air-conditioned room how to survive in impossible situations. When I'm watching Bear, even though I'm lounging on the couch getting my eat on, I still feel like I am braving the Amazon alongside him, or scaling down a volcanic mountain. Long story short, I feel like I have earned my right to live and survive, just because I watched Man Vs. Wild. In an ironic segue, the Supreme Court case Man v Wild (1908) actually overturned the right of Non-American citizens to film themselves trying to survive in American wildernesses, or to broadcast said shows on American airways... These were dark years for our appeals system.

Fairwell for now,
Ross Harrison

1 comment:


That is the coolest show. I like the Rocky Moutain, "ultimate" survival one.