Wednesday, June 13, 2007

one week

Ladies and gentlemen happy one week blogoversarry. That's correct, while it may seem like i have been blogging all my life, it has been a mere seven days. So, in honor of the blogoversarry i am going to name the "Blogfessions of a Teenage Youth Intern Lifetime Achievement Award"

AND THE WINNER IS.......Andrea Peterson!!!!!!!
Andrea is receiving the life time achievement award for being the coolest female grown-up i have ever met. Andrea and i crossed paths when she was my fifth grade vacation bible school teacher, and ever since we have been friends. She has been the top commenter on my blog as well as a person i can always count on to make me feel cool. Some time i will actually present Andrea with some kind of tangible award, but until then all my readers can look at this picture of Andrea and Stevie Nicks.

And, in other news. Last night we went to the Astro's game against the Oakland Athletics. As you may or may not know, i am not the biggest baseball fan in the world, but i did have a very good time. As usual Ross Harrison and I got into quite a few misadventures. We also made a very interesting discovery, some of you may know Emily Stewart as the sweet quiet member of the Stewart family. BUT when you take her into her element, an Astro's game, she turns into a different Emily...a crazy Astro crazy dancing Emily. For those of you that haven't seen this phenomenon it is amazing!!! I highly recommend you take her to see a game because it may change your life.

That is all for today.
Proctor Anderson


Andrea said...

You are TOOOOOOOOOOO much! I am still laughing! This is such an HONOR!!!!!!The "coolest female grown-up" award makes up for the 1986 Homecoming Queen DISS/tragedy that scarred me for life. (but I'm over it,, really, I'm soooo past I don't really even think about it some silly thing like that even MATTERS from 21 years ago, right?....doesn't even enter my radar.......totally over it, really)

I'd like to thank the academy....

Jordan said...

i didnt know emily could go crazy..
i wonder what over elements do that?

Jordan said...

sorry other elements