Wednesday, June 27, 2007

my greatest secret

i love movies a lot. i saw two movies yesterday. seriously i love movies. and i love all movies. i like funny movies and i like scary movies and i like action movies. in fact i even like chick flicks. yup i really like movies. but you know what i dont like? the movie Evening. now i understand that you may like this movie if your woman. and i guess that is legit. but for some reason i REALLY dont want to see that movie. it looks awful. like a worse version of the note book plus a worse not funny version of because i said so. needless to say, i'm not gonna go see evening. so there.

on the other hand i am going to see lisence to wed. cause i love john krasinski....and i love mandy moore.



Anonymous said...

Yay for License to Wed!

Andrea said...

just to add to my "coolest grown-up" award---I HATE these kinds of movies. Evening does look like a snoozer...........but the critics will probably love love love it.