Monday, July 9, 2007

express wash

As of lately my car has been the target of some birds....dozens and dozens of birds. i wont go into detail about what it is that the birds are doing but you can probably use your imagination. Needless to say i needed a car wash. And i was very glad to fill this need. Beacause i love car washes. I dont typically keep a clean car, so thats not the reason for my love. I really like going into the drive in car washes and turn up the music real loud. The car washes make me feel isolated, almost like im in my own clean car world.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I know exactly what you are talking about! A clean car gives me that feeling like life just gave me a mulligan----I start having these grand thoughts like, "okay, now that my car is clean, I'm gonna clean my closet, my pantry, the garage, etc."
However, when MY car is clean, it is clean AND has four hubcabs.....unlike some other "clean" cars.