Monday, August 6, 2007

on it sucka!

Last night between the hours of 1o'clock and 3o'clock i was on the old internet talking to my friend Lauren Shamblin and we had a 45 minutes conversation about one of my favorite things. This conversation inspired me to start a new series of blog about things that i love. so for the first installment. SHOES. and not just any shoes. Asics Onitsukas. No joke anytime i see these shoes i fall in love with them. As of right now i have four pairs, but the number is bound to increase. anytime i see them at stores their beauty and majesty just jump out and attack a strange metaphoric way that words can't describe. its pretty intense.


Andrea said...

I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL! I can't get enough of my "Life Is Good" shirts.....I have 10 now and they are all I wear------I might have to steal this idea for my blog:-)

ShamboSays said...

I was really excited to see my name in your blog. Im glad I inspired you to go off on a whim. Those were certainly the good ole days...